How to get Meramon in Digimon Survive

The body, covered by a flame, and a figure as strong as any monster you will meet in Digimon Survivew, Maramon is worth all efforts to make friends with it. In this leadership, we will talk in detail about Meramon, its whereabouts and how to make friends with Meramon in Digimon Survive.

Judging by the appearance, Meramon is a fiery digimon, whose body is covered with a raspberry flame. It is generated by a protective firewall and has a very hostile and cruel character. Whenever his body concerns any object, it turns it into ashes.

how to recruit and make friends with Meramon

Digimon Of all the digimons of this species, Meramon is the most powerful. It can be very difficult to recruit, and even when he is recruited, he has no guarantee that he will lose control of his enemies. Having him in your team, you win, because Maramon is all you need when you are faced with stronger enemies.

Players will be able to find Meramon when they enter part 3 of Digimon Survive. As soon as this is done, you should go to the zones of free battles near the school, park and forest. As soon as you find yourself here, as if you caught most of the digimons, start participating in various battles and wait until Maramon appears. As soon as Maramon is noticed, go to battle and answer some of his questions later.

You can make friends with Meramon at the same time when you make friends with Fangmon, Deltamon and Dokugumon. Or you can also get this monster using Digivoling another digimon.

After you encountered Maramon and fought with him in battle, it was time to answer his questions. Meramon will ask you a total of three questions, each of which has four answer options, but only one of them is the correct answer.

The best answers

Each correct answer gives you two points; You will need a few more to have the right to ask Maramon to become your friend. Here are the possible questions that he will ask you, and the best answers to them, if you want to catch it.

Q1. I do not want to do anything but funny things! Are you right too?

A : You know your business!

Q2. ‘This is my territory! Leave a little food and get out of here!

a: ‘I'll think about it.’

Q3. Arrrrrrrrrrr! Graaaaaa! Any other will only get in my way!

a : [Let it simmer down.]

Q4. 'Did you know? Take a nap after you stuffed your face, just the best!

a : ‘Yes, the best!’

Q5. I will crush you! Guahahahaha!

A: -good, strong!

Q6: Wow... When I wait, I want to go crazy!

A: [Stare in amazement.]

Q7: Are you not fragile in appearance. Do you eat enough meat?

A: -You look strong.

As soon as you answer all the questions correctly and your level of success will be high, you can finally recruit Meramon and take it with you to your future adventures.


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