Nobody Saves Guide The World: Where is the secret fairy

One of the most fun missions of all Nobody Saves The World has to do with the fairy that responds to the name of Rosalino and before we run out of adventure with any1. It entrusts us with the task of looking for the rest of your compaƱeras, which to the dessert add a total of 35 fairy . Almost nothing!

But actually the search is quite simple if we simply dedicate ourselves to explore the map, since they are marking all those nearby. Even the one that seems inaccessible by water at the beginning is a nonsense after unblocking characters such as turtle or ghost. However, there is a dodder fairy that is hidden by the map and that almost certainly she will be the last one that lacks you to complete the search. The reason? It does not come out on the map.

The cave hidden northwest of the ancient robot...

That does not come out at first glance on the map has a simple explanation: it is underground. Yes, in a cave. But unlike other caves, this is deeper and you will not see that fairy by getting into the cave located at the northwest end of the ancient robot. And most likely you forget that there is another door...

If you pay attention, yes, you will deduce that, even if the second entry is not displayed on the map, there has to be a door. Look at the image above , which only shows the lower entry, not the superior. The only track are those tiles that indicate that there is an entrance. And from there you can reach another section of the cave after overcoming a series of obstacles that will pilot you.

Nobody Saves the World | All 35 Mana Fairies Location The trick is to use rapid characters, such as the horse, together with active skills such as dodging (explorer) or ethereal (ghost) until blocking those daggers with the levers. Because you will have to give a small rodeo and before reaching the fairy there will be enemies waiting for you. But nothing complicated.

After this, now yes, you will see the fairy in the adjoining room next to a chest .

Nobody Saves Guides The World in World

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