Incredible weeks for Johannes Strolz: faces that emboss Olympia
The 2022 Olympics are over, all decisions have fallen after 109 competitions. With Johannes Strolz an Austrian was quite surprisingly one of the forming faces of the Olympic Games. Kamilia Wlijewa Mikaela Shifrin IREE WAST Eric Frenzel Johannes Thingnes BÖ Eileen GU Therese Johay Victoria Carl / Katharina Hennig Johannes Strolz Bing Dwen Dwen Kamilia Wlijewa The personalized tragedy of the games. 15 years old, blessed with a century talent, broken and left alone in icy cold. The petite Russian fails in circumstances and inhumane pressure. Asked, if the ice cream driver Kamila Walijewa may show her beautiful art ever again. Mikaela Shifrin The American, best ski runner of the present starts in all six competitions - and experiences a non-ending nightmare: excreted three times, no medal. Appoints himself to the "wit figure". But shows human size in the defeat at all times - and is in this discipline Olympic champion. IREE WAST Oranjes best is a speed skater - what else? ...