What is the release date of Twin Mirror?

Twin Mirror was announced two years ago and, in his appearance, he bears the investigative thrillers to a completely different level. Developed by Antod Entertainment, the team behind Vampyr and Tell Me why, the game describes Sam Higgs trip, a former investigative journalist, while he undertakes to discover the secrets of the city of Basswood.

NameNod Entertainment has finally announced an exit date for Twin Mirror. The game will be launched on 1 December on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. For the moment, no new generation version has been announced, but it should soon arrive considering that new generation consoles should be available by then.

Life Is Strange Dev's NEW GAME - Twin Mirror: Release Date CONFIRMED + STORY DETAILS

The game focuses mainly on two mechanisms, including the Mind Palace. It is a place where players can discover multiple aspects of the personality of Sam. The second is twofold, a character who can only be seen by Sam and who can either help him or hurt all the investigation.

While similar mechanisms have been implemented in the past, the duality of mechanics is what makes it unique. The game seems to have a lot of potential and it will be interesting to see how things happen for the game.

TWIN MIRROR will be launched on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via the epic game store on December 1st, 2020.


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