Apex Legends: here is the story of Ash, the next legend
Electronic Arts Flague Title, Apex Legends continues its drum walk beating with the announcement of escape, the next update of the Royal Battle. You know the marketing formula, any presentation of a new season begins with a narrative kinematics presenting the next playable character.
Here is the story of Ashleigh Reid, former Knowledge of Mary Horizon Sommers, whose mind has been transferred to an artificial body just before his death as a result of an attack. Problem, Dr. Reid s personality really does not control the situation. Malgrity everything, there is still a hint of Leigh, which gives it a particular link with another doctor in the arena , we say. The players already know ASH as the supervisor of the arenas, but the character now intends to throw himself into the battle as a new legend and this from November 2nd. By this date, Electronic Arts and Respawn will like usually unveiled videos and additional information about the dropper. In the meantime, the site of the game already warns us that a storm promises to be and that we can get their hands on a new machine gun because.
APEX LEGENDS - Wildlife Stories Ash TimElectronic Arts Flague Titlee, Apex Legends continues its drum walk beating with the announcement of escape, the next update of the Royal Battle. You know the marketing formula, any presentation of a new season begins with a narrative kinematics presenting the next playable character.
Here is the story of Ashleigh Reid, former Knowledge of Mary Horizon Sommers, whose mind has been transferred to an artificial body just before his death as a result of an attack. Problem, Dr. Reid s personality really does not control the situation. Malgrity everything, there is still a hint of Leigh, which gives it a particular link with another doctor in the arena , we say. The players already know ASH as the supervisor of the arenas, but the character now intends to throw himself into the battle as a new legend and this from November 2nd. By this date, Electronic Arts and Respawn will like usually unveiled videos and additional information about the dropper. In the meantime, the site of the game already warns us that a storm promises to be and that we can get their hands on a new machine gun because.
APEX LEGENDS - Wildlife Stories Ash Time
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