New World Multiplayer Guide: How To Play with Friends

Like most MMOS, Amazon s New World is best experienced with a group of friends. The game has already proven to be a breakout hit, reached a large number of simultaneous players at the start date and forces the players to wait in super long queues just to log in. Grouping is pretty easy if you are already in the game for a few hours. But it can be pretty confusing for players who just start first. Here you will find everything you need to know about the multiplayer mode in New World, including the addition of friends, invite people and group.

How to play with friends in the NewN world

How To Play Up With Friends In New World All social functions in New World are handled in the Social or Group menus. To find them, press the ESCAPE button and select the social icon or the group icon on the left side of the screen. There you can create a group or search for other players.

How to find friends in the starting area of ​​the NewN world

When you create your New World character for the first time, start the game on a beach somewhere in the world. This starts the introductory tutorial quest series. The thing is the, your starting location is random and you may not receive the same place as your friends.

To solve this, you can either recreate your character and start from scratch until you appear in the right place, or you can continue playing the game until the quest series meet. However, you must play up to about Level 15 before this happens.

If you are really desperate, you can race around the world until you find your friends. To do this, you have to ignore the quest series in your starting area. Give the first quest on the NPC at the watchtower, but do not accept the next quest. Instead, you can race to each of the other watchtowers in the other starting areas and continue there the tutorial quest series. This is not recommended as it can take a while and there is some dangerous enemies on the way, but it is technically possible.

How to add and invites friends to New World

To add someone as a friend in New World, go to the Social menu. To achieve it, press the ESCAPE button and click on the social icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Here you can enter the name of a player to look for him. If you receive an invitation, it will also be displayed in the SOCIAL menu. Make sure you are looking for people according to your New World character character, not according to your Steam username.

Once you have found your friend, you can click on his name to add it as a friend or invite him to a group. In this menu you can also duel and trade with other people. If you already have people in your friends list, you can easily click on the group symbol under the social symbol and add your friends directly to a group.

Can you play with friends from other servers?

You and your friends must be on the same world server. NEW WORLD currently offers no cross-world parties or invitations. Make sure you select the correct server when creating your character, as there is no way to change the world at the moment. These functions could be added to the game at a later date, but at the moment you are with the people on the same world server as they are crappy.

New World is now available on the PC.


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