5 best free fire characters with passive capabilities after adding Elite Moko

Recently, Moko has become the fourth character of the Fire which has a wisdom. His elite Version has made another skill in his arsenal and made him a better passive character.

The mission for Elite Moko, which is also known as Moko Eygma, can be unlocked after buying the base character by players. The player can then follow the awakening mission to get Elite Moko.

The arrival of Elite Moko has also shuffled in the rankings of the strongest passive ability to Garena Free Fire.

Free Fire in Passive Capacity: The Best Choice for Players After Elite Moko

1) Moko (awakening)

Moko now have two versions: regular and elite. His awakening state, Eyei, retains the primary skills and provides an additional which makes Moko a decent passive potential character.

His ability automatically tags the enemy that he has shot for two seconds, while the hit marks on the moving of the awakened state opponents increases up to two seconds.

When the player upgrade Character at the sixth level, both two-second tagging can be increased by 6.5 seconds.

2) Hayato

From Haito Undercharted characters Free Fire which can prove to be a great option. Their passive capacity Bushdo automatically increases a player s armor entry capacity up to 7.5%, whenever their maximum HP decreases 10%.

These capabilities are increased when the player upgrade the level of Bushhido. Players armor entry capacity increases up to 10% at six levels. Like Moko, there is also a awakening state in Hayato.

3) Thiva

The speed and health recovery of revival in tight matches is always important. Whenever players require quick revival, they come in rescue because their capacity vital Vibes increases the revival of the downdated players up to 5%. Apart from this, there is a recovery of 15 HP in five seconds after every successful revival.

When the player completely upgraded the Vital Vibes, he gets an increase of 20% in rescue speed as well as five seconds in HP recovery.

4) D-B

To overcome opponents in Free Fire, everyone requires quick speed and accuracy in the free fire. D-Bee s Bullet Beats helps players with the same because they receive an increase of 5% in agility with an increase of 10% in their accuracy. However, players will have to run guns to activate the passive potential of D-B.

The player can improve the capabilities of Bullet Beats through level-up. The increase in speed and accuracy at the maximum level becomes 15% and 35% respectively.

5) Jota

After adjusting your skills through OB29 updates, the jota is probably the best passive potential in the game Character. Their skill continuous raid enables recovery in terms of HP.

Players will have to hit players to activate recovery because every successful hit will recover some HP. In addition, users get an increase of 10% in HP recovery, which increases up to 20% at the maximum level.

Note: This list is not in a particular order and reflects the author s personal opinion.

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