Memory Card: Great Olympic Games

The Memory Card returns to the load with Juan ArenJuan Arenas and Rubén Vázquez to put the point and end to the Olympic Games . No, that did not end the closing event but with a program of ours. That is the will of this video, to be able to remember some deliveries and totally unique moments lived in great Olympic disciplines that surely could not have a videogame but that they could be part of gaming compilation bJuan Arenased on Olympic events of the most varied .

Because yes, the Olympic Games have been present in the world of videogames for a long time, almost from the middle of the medium. Naturally we refer to the digital medium and not to the beginnings of the games in ancient Greece, let's hope it is understood. So without further delay, in the video you have a first first Olympic review.

Memory Card is a program led by Juan ArenJuan Arenas and currently edited by Rubén Vázquez that reviews stories, games and events of yesteryear with the best possible tJuan Arenaste. Give him the play.


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